Community notification guide

(Last update: October 26, 2020)


Who will be notified?


Owner created a new post

Members will be notified if Owner will tick the box "Send email notification to all members"


Member commented on the Owner's post

Owner will be notified

Account Users will not be notified

Other members who commented on the Owner's post will not be notified


Member replied to another member's comment (Owner's post)

Member who created the comment will be notified

Owner and Account Users will not be notified


Account User created a new post

Owner will be notified

Members will be notified if Account User will tick the box "Send email notification to all members"


Member commented on the Account User's post

Owner will not be notified

Account User who created the post will be notified

Other members who commented on the Account User's post will not be notified


Member replied to another member's comment (Account User's post)

Member who created the comment will be notified

Owner and Account Users will not be notified


Tagged someone

Whoever is tagged will be notified

Member created a new post

Owner and Account Users will be notified


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